Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Menggunakan IT Balanced Scorecard dan Swot Analysis (Studi Kasus : PD. Unico Mitratama) |
Abstrak Information systems play an important role for the company in provide useful information of operational and management. In this information era, the availability of information quickly and accurately is a requirement for a company to keep pace of changes, so they have competitive advantage. So do Unico Mitratama, a trading company engaged in the distribution of consumer goods throughout the region of West Kalimantan. Unico Mitratama company must have a strategic planning for information system, in order to achieve its goals in a competitive advantage. To solve the problems and giving recommendations for the Unico Mitratama company, the issues will be analyzed using the SWOT method for getting which strategies will be used as a basis for the interpretation of business strategy. The next process is defining the needs of the company through the analysis of IT Balanced Scorecard. The IT Balanced Scorecard analysis of each perspective (corporate contribution, customer orientation, operation excellence, and future orientation) is expected to provide a return on investment of IT which will be applied. The indicators are achievement of the target of each measure strategic perspective that have determined. In this thesis, is try to analyze the main points of each perspective and the results are intended to provide strategic planning proposals IS/IT for Unico Mitratama company trading in managing their information systems, especially in marketing. Keywords: Information Systems Strategic Planning, SWOT Analysis, IT Balanced Scorecard
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By RIAN OKTAVIANUS