Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Perancangan Thin Client : Solusi Efisensi Investasi Komputer |
Abstrak Thin Client computing is now an accepted strategy for business computing. Thin Client computing is the next generation and the most technologically advanced computing created to solve the problems experienced with the computing desktops of the corporate environment. The Thin Client concept has brought about a higher level of centralized control to the desktop. A major force behind the reason of Thin Client computing is lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) as compared to other models and is often a cost effective solution. Thin Client computing is becoming more and more common as a result of lower cost and improved reliability. In today's enterprise environment, Thin Client Server-based computing model enables organizations to redure costs, deploy applications, more quickly, and to appropriately scale their technology to meet growing information needs. The Total Cost of Ownership of business technology will be dramatically reduced because fewer techical staff will be able to efficiently support many more users. In addition, centralized software deployment will greatly reduce rollout costs. With Thin Client technology is use, multi-user capabilities allow applications and data to be deployed, managed, supported and executed 100% on the Server. Keywords: Centralized desktop administration, Cost reduction, Remote access, improve performance. |
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