Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Berbasis Web di STMIK Pontianak |
Abstrak LPPM web-based information system is needed to help LPPM share and display data or information more simply and faster. Some connected units sometime need information from LPPM accidently so they can browse and take what information they need by themselves. The technic to collecting data is use interview, observation and documentation study. The research metode used research and Development method. The design and developed of web-based information system using PHP programming language. The results obtained from the discussion is the design of LPPM web-based information systems Conclucions with the web-based information system can be references for LPPM to share and display data and information can be done better. Keywords : Web-based, Information Systems, Entity Relationship Diagram |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By UTIN KASMA