Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Learning Media Design Based on Augmented Reality Introduction to Rare Plants |
This research is motivated by the lack of technology-based learning media, namely Augmented Reality, the use of Augmented Reality can be used as an interactive and interesting learning media solution. By utilizing Augmented Reality technology, the introduction of rare plants that were originally presented in the form of images can be added with 3- dimensional information that is displayed virtually which will later use a smartphone device, so that the learning process is more interesting. The purpose of this research is to design learning media based on Augmented Reality in recognizing rare plants, this is because Augmented Reality is an application that can use a database in the form of 3-dimensional animation that affects students in learning activities. The media contained in Augmented Reality is a combination of real illustrations in the technological process.
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By Andrian Syahputra, Andi Sanjaya, Yoga Handoko Agustin, Wahyu Sindu Prasetya, Nurhayati, Elida Tuti Siregar