Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak

Penerapan Rapid Application Development Dalam Sistem Perniagaan Elektronik Furniture


Abstracts: RAD method is suitable to produce electronic commerce software system because it has a dynamic and flexible system, directly involving users, and the design of this system does not require a long time. E-commerce system is easy to maintain when doing the need anticipation of the content synchronization and information updating. RAD method has a number of stages, beginning with the requirement planning of the system, involving users to design and develop the system, and ending with the stage of implementation. This requirement is in one line with the research purpose, i.e. to produce the electronic commerce system of furniture because it has the capability of personal interaction with each visitor through the real-time information. The result shows that the software system of E-commerce can be a new breakthrough in the way and mechanism in interacting with the visitors or customers, and can accommodate more furniture products without the hindrance of the building space, the flow of information becomes more interactive and more transparent, more specific services are provided for every customer, the consultation of furniture purchase becomes easier to do. E-commerce system testing yields verification and validation of members, ordering, invoice, payment systems, and delivery and payment of bills.


Keyword: Electronic Commerce System, Furniture, RAD Method

Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI