The increasing death frequency of ornamental fish causing significant losses is infectious diseases that spread quickly, the lack of knowledge, and a limited number of fishery experts. Therefore, the supporting media, i.e. an expert system that can prevent the death through early diagnoses of all symptoms and kinds of diseases is needed to be independent from the fishery experts. The expert system design uses the methods of forward chaining and certainty factor and Shell Exsys CORVID software because they have the knowledge basis and efficient inference engine. The results of the testing shows that the prototype of this expert system can help the fish breeders to keep the ornamental fish by showing the certainty factors of the affecting diseases and giving references of the ways to do prevention and treatment. The overall evaluation results reflect the system performance, capabilities, and diagnosis results. Therefore, the prototype of the expert system can be accepted by fishery experts and breeders of ornamental fish.
Keyword: Expert System, Ornamental Fish, Prototype, Forward Chaining, Certainty Factor