Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Pembuatan Aplikasi Diagnosa Kerusakan Mesin Sepeda Motor Matic dengan Case-Based Reasoning |
Abstracts: Automatic motorcycles as a new breakthrough of two-wheeled vehicle with an automatic transmission have implications for the system maintenance. A limited number of mechanics and lack of users' knowledge cause many difficulties in treatment, especially in dealing with the engine damage. The Design of the intelligent system through case-based reasoning method can provide easiness of initial diagnosis independently. Case-based reasoning has the ability to provide more accurate diagnosis results based on the previous events and may be revised to solve the latest problems. The design of application uses a reuse-based method that includes six stages: requirements specification, component analysis, modification of the terms, integration with reuse system design, development and integration, and system validation. The purpose of the research is for diagnosing automatic motorcycle engine damage and provide an initial solution on its condition and prevention through the medium of the website. The test results demonstrate that this application has the ability to diagnose the damage and provide problem solving solutions to the users with an average of similarity value between 0,62 and 0,7 with an accuracy value of expert solutions for 80% and 90%.
Keyword: Case-Based Reasoning, Automatic motorcycle engine damage, Similarity. |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI