Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Tempat Kost Berbasis Web |
Abstracts: The limited information of rented houses causes people tend not to have accurate relevant information; therefore, they do not know locations of rented houses with affordable cost, close work place, and educational institutions. The aim of research is to carry out a web-based geographic information system telling about the locations of rented houses in the District of North Pontianak. The information provided by Google Maps is to give convenience to the users in finding the locations of rented houses. The development of software engineering system method uses sequential or waterfall linear model. The creation of maps using online map is provided by Google Maps for free. The results of research shows the information about rented house locations and facilities used to change owners' data. Through this website, visitors can search for information such as distance calculation they need to reach the rented houses, rental fees, public facilities, room size, number of occupants and other important information.
Keyword: Geographic Information System, Web-Based System, Google Maps, Waterfall Model. |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI