Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak

Pembuatan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Mandarin Tingkat Dasar

Abstracts: Mandarin language has typical characteristics in various pronunciation, intonation, and hand writing styles. The students need a multimedia application the combination of video, audio, text, image and animation to ease them in learning. This research emphasizes on the discussion of pinyin mastery in correct writing and pronunciation based on the categories and exercises in form of games. the learning application design uses the based on the prototype method. It helps students who want to learn the basic of Mandarin language independently and thoses who have never learned Mandarin language. If the students have a guidance in writing letters and audio content, they can show simple han letter (jiantizi) and complete Han (fantizi) letter so that they can learn the difference of both letters at the same time. This application also has the facility of Indonesian - Mandarin dictionary. The results analysis of learning Mandarin application shows that when the student search every vocabulary and scene catogory, they can meet the user' needs.


Keyword: Support Learning Aplication, Multimedia, Dictionary, Prototype Method

Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI