Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi E-Recruitment Guru Menggunakan Pendekatan Waterfall |
Abstrak The website process of teacher recruitment through the usage of information technology, generally known as teacher E-recruitment, is a very effective way. It uses waterfall approach to give easiness in finding teachers with specific competence and skill without any limitation of space and time. Teacher E-recruitment is a dynamic way of revolutionizing a school management party to find appropriate teachers based on their skill through the information filling in the job vacancies. A number of implications in the schools show the existence of investment cost savings in terms of advertising, teachers with certain competence can be found in a relatively easier, more rigorous and selective way, and the information update of teachers' needs with a more interactive communication through email can be applied easily and flexibly. The architectural model describes the application design in terms of web server and client through uses case, activity, sequence and class diagram. Keywords: website e-recruitment guru, waterfall approach, prototipe. |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI