Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak

Case Based Reasoning untuk Menentukan Nomunal Funding dan Paket Pinjaman


Case Base reasoning (CBR) for Determining Nominal Funding and Loan Package is a system that is made for the leasing services company engaged in the field Of car loans. CBR consists of the input, process and output, the input consists of input cases, adaptation and user settings, the process consists of the calculation of similarity and cases searching using an indexing, the output contains solutions to the cases that entered into the system. CBR can be developed to handle the cases of some companies in the service credit, but this system still needs to be done a lot of development, because this system is not perfect overall.

Keywords: CBR, Similarity, Nominal Funding, Loan Package.

Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By DAVID