Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
The Roles of IT Skill And Grit in Academic Achievements Mediated by Online Learning and Collaborative Learning |
It is essential for a university to recognize factors which influence learners' academic achievement. The aim of this inquiry to analyze the influence of technology information skills to online learning, the indirect influence of technology information skills to learns' online learning academic achievment, the indirect influence of technology infmation skills to learns' academic achievment through collabortive learning, the influence of collabortive learning through learns' academic achievment, influence of grit to collabortive learning, grit effect to learns' academic achievment and grit effect to online learning. The data collection method for the quantitative calculation is conducted through one snapshot cross-sectional survey or only conducted 1 (one) time at a certain time. The survey begins in April 2020 until June 2020. Proportional stratified random sampling method is used for sampel collecting, and 394 samples are situated proportionally. This study sums up that 3 hypothesis do not influence either direct or indirect, while 5 others hypothesis proven to be effective influence. Two things as the research results, namely theorities and managerial implications. Though the data source are from STMIK through Indonesia, this inquiry result can be implemented to other University in Indonesia.
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By Gat, Edi Abdurachman, Dezie Leonarda Warganegara, Wibowo Kosasih