Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
The Influence of IT Investment, IT Innovation, Financial Innovation on Sustainable Competitive Advantage Through Business Transformation Moderated by IT Implementation (An Empirical Study On Rural Banking) |
This study has several research objectives, especially to analyze several variables including the influence of the IT Investment variable on the IT Innovation variable, the influence of the IT Innovation variable on the Financial Innovation variable, the influence of the Financial Innovation variable on the Business Transformation variable, the influence of the IT Innovation variable on the Business Transformation variable, the effect of the IT Investment variable on the Business Transformation variable, the influence of the IT Investment variable on the Business Transformation variable is strengthened by IT Implementation and the influence of the Business Transformation variable on the Sustainable Competitive Advantage variable. The quantitative research approach used is supported by analytical techniques using the SEMAMOS method. In research-based on multivariate analysis, the number of samples specified is at least 10 times the number of variables or 60 samples of RB with capital above IDR 10 billion. Data collection was carried out by means of a survey by sending an online questionnaire in the period May 2020 to July 2020. This study found that most of the variables were proven to have a significant effect, including the IT Investment variable which had a significant effect on IT Innovation, the IT Innovation variable had a significant effect on the financial variable. Innovation, the Financial Innovation variable has a significant effect on Business Transformation, the IT Innovation variable has a significant effect on Business Transformation with a negative value, the IT Investment variable has a significant effect with a negative value on the Business Transformation variable, the IT Implementation variable has a significant effect on Business Transformation, and the Business Transformation variable has an effect significant to the Sustainable Competitive Advantage. This study has limitations on the number of samples used. In addition, this research also contributes theoretically and practically, especially to understanding the phenomenon of information technology in the rural banking business.
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By Gusti Syarifudin, Harjanto Prabowo, Mohammad Hamsal, Pantri Heriyati