Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Pembuatan Aplikasi E-Learning Berbasis Web Untuk Memudahkan Proses Belajar Mengajar |
Abstracts: The process of studying through the web-based E-Learning application has become an important requirement in improving students' productivity and independence without restrictions of space and time. The processes of studying and learning become more efficient, cost-effective and can also make the available resources effective on an educational unit area with clear discipline and procedure restrictions. This research uses research and development method with data collection techniques in forms of observation, interviews and questionnaires. The application uses spiral method based on Codelgniter framework with MVC (Model, View, Controller) construction. The purpose of the research is to support the easiness of studying and learning processes through a discussion forum among teachers and students, flexibility to accomplish exercises and become a studying evaluation and teachers' assessment. Creation of E-Learning application has the main features of exam question database, evaluation results and simulation of answering question in exercises and exams so that the students can improve their knowledge more flexibly, effectively, and efficiently.
Keyword: Web-based E-Learning Application, MVC Model, Spiral Method |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI