Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Kanker Alat Reproduksi Manusia Dengan Metode Forwarad Chaining |
Abstracts: Human reproductive cancer is one of the dangerous diseases. In the research, the researcher bulids an expert system to diagnose human reproductive cancer early. The stage of building the system starts by acquiring knowledge from an expert and builing its bases helped by inference engine 'forward chaining'. The application design uses prototype method and UML as its modeling. The respondents in this research cover patients at a number of hospitals chosen by using accidental sampling technique. The prosess of identification is based on disease sysndromes; the expert system of human reproductive cancer diagnosis uses certainty factor method in the process of weighting to each rule. This system can give early diagnosis of disease based on the syndromes felt before consulting the doctors or laboratory tests. The result of this research shows that CF can be used to overcome the uncertainlty of early diagnosis of human reproductive cancer.
Keyword: exert system, reproduction system cancer, forward chaining, certainty factor |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By A. MURTADO, SANDY KOSASI