Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Pemilihan Tipe Handphone Menggunakan Metode Penalaran Berbasis Kasus |
Abstrak The consumers’ various wants of limited fund often cause difficulties in determining the alternatives of mobile phone types based on the consumers’ wants. The consumers need selective actions to choose various mobile phone types. Through a developed application with case-based reasoning method, mobile phone types can be selected easily to find out the most similar elements with old cases based on the weighting values given by the users. The application design uses object-oriented anlysis and design method and the calculation uses Nearest Neighbor with similarity functions of Normalized Euclidean Distance. The result of this research shows that this application can be used to calculate the similarity based on the value definition given by the users and printout the solution of choices suggested based on existing specification with the most similar cases. The applications can provide an alternative solution to the high priority feature values with previous one. Keywords: Case-Based Reasoning, Similarity, Nearest Neighbor, Normalized Euclidean Distance |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By SANDY KOSASI