Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Pengembangan Aplikasi E-Recruitment dalam Perekrutan Karyawan |
Abstrak Through e-recruitment application, it gives a lot of simplicity and reliability to get employee with ability potential and specific skills without time and space limitation and also with cheap withdrawal line. E-recruitment development can help owner of Graha Computer owner to get an employee that appropiate with the company needs in a short time. The experiment form is case study with single variable that is application e-recruitment development and the research uses research and development method. The application design uses SWDLC model (Software Development Life Cycle). with waterfall approach. This experiment model create an e-recruitment application that can be use by the store in searching quality employees by online so that the withdrawal selection can be more optimal because it has a lot of alternative options and also faster processing time. Keywords: e-recruitment, research and development method, waterfall approach |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By GAT, SANDY KOSASI