Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Aplikasi E-commerce Pada Toko Sepatu Dallas Pontianak |
Abstrak The application purpose of e-commerce system at dallas shoe store pontianak is to give information that require about the shop and the products which offered, to simplify both sides (seller/buyer) when make transactions although at distant place. The research design using case study and research and development method. The design method using incremental development with data collection techniques uses observation, interview, documentation study, internet access, and relevant studies. The programming language using dreamweaver 5.0. The result of this research is the application of e-commerce system at dallas shoe store pontianak can show discount product,newest product, detail of goods, shopping cart. Keywords: E-Commerce, Research and Development Method, Incremental Development, Dreamweaver CS 5.0
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By UTIN KASMA