Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak
Penentuan Kerusakan Air Conditioner Dengan Metode Case Based Reasoning |
Abstrak Software casebased reasoning to diagnose damage to the air conditioner consists of 4 stages of the process, namely retrieve, reuse, revise and retain. Case based reasoning software is designed using a visual programming language basic.NET and uses a MySQL database to store the data on damage Air Conditioner into the knowledge base. The design of sofware-based reasoing case is expected to provide information and solution for problems of damage to the Air Conditioner. Solutions are provided in the form of damage to the value of the highest similarity and the user can make the solution given consideration to repair the damage done to the Air Conditioner. To generate output type of damage and handling solutions, the user must select the symptoms and characteristics of the damage first. Keywords: case based reasoning, damage air conditioner, prototype, similarity. |
Jurnal Publikasi STMIK Pontianak By A. MURTADO